Friday 6 July 2012

The return of Kevin

In 2007 we had black redstarts nesting and they produced Kevin the teenager, above.  I've seen them in the garden several years since but this year they seemed to have built a nest in the same place as before, in a small open porch which had an old ventilation opening.

Given that it's 7 years ago and black restarts appear to have a lifespan of up to 8 years, Kevin may well be one of the pair or even one of them could be his offspring.  I have been doing little over the last few days other than trying to hide from view with a camera.

The nest is up there but I can't quite reach, but it does seem a little rudimentary and insubstantial.  I tried holding the camera way above my head and I still can't reach.  I don't want to disturb them with any ladder climbing at this stage.

I thought they might be very late hatching, early July seems late, but looking at the dates I took photos before, it's more or less the same.

I had a better view in 2007 but I forget how I did it.

The male black redstart.  Note the stylish plastic bird feeder hanging from the railings.

The female black restart, looking like a long-legged robin, just leaving the nest to go off in search of food .

And she returned with a good one.  The male did find a dragonfly but of course by the time the camera was focused, he was gone. The one that got away.

Apart from these pictures strictly for the birds, I spent the day counting raindrops.

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  1. Cool blog entry!

    BTW, Kevin is a name of a friend of mine... who I think bears a passing resemblance to Kevin the bird in "Up" (in terms of such as certain mannerisms and colorfulness - since the human Kevin favors bright striped shirts)! :b

    1. Thanks, YTSL. :) Your friend sound fun!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. You haven't seen the rejects of course.


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