Sunday 4 March 2007

Weeping willows

Remember this just a few days ago? We went away for a short break and this is what we found when we returned.

willow flooded

It is almost the same angle but I would have had to wade out to be in precisely the same spot. As it was, my toes were in the water. You can just about see the boat, now submerged. Our tranquil river has turned into a torrent, with more rain forecast.


  1. A.,
    You should see our willow today (8 March). Covered with ice, as though it were the middle of the winter instead of two weeks from spring. I wish I could send you a picture!


  2. To tell the truth the seasons here are a long way from normal here too. We've been having May-like temperatures during the day. We return to England at the weekend so it won't be quite so warm, though I believe it's still unseasonal.


Forethoughts, afterthoughts, any thoughts. Tell me.


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