Thursday, 5 November 2009

Dona nobis pacem: Peace comes dropping slow

I have taken a quote from WB Yeats "Peace come dropping slow" completely out of context, but I was reminded of those words when I read the story of Samuel Mwangi who was caught up in the violence in Kenya two years ago.  He fled his home and is still in a refugee camp with his family.  Before the violence he had a five-acre farm and could have been considered prosperous in that area of the Rift Valley.  Now, two years later, he has managed to find work as a caretaker on a farm, and as a labourer.  He doesn't dare return to his home because his land has gone and he's afraid of being attacked again.

He is hoping that he may be given new land and he would be happy with that, no matter what sort of land it is.  "The most important thing is security".

He says being an international displaced person is like being in jail.  For Samuel and his family, peace is indeed dropping slowly.

"We cannot have peace if we are only concerned with peace. War is not an accident. It is the logical outcome of a certain way of life. If we want to attack war, we have to attack that way of life."
- A. J. Muste

"Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict - alternatives to passive or aggressive responses, alternatives to violence."
- Dorothy Thompson

"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures."
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"Peace is costly but it is worth the expense"
- African Proverb
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  1. Thank you for participating in the BlogBlast For PEACE!

    I did not know of this story - very sad

    I wish him Peace and a way home

  2. What an excellent post. The story is an important one and sad how many displace people there are in the world. All of the quotes were so good. Peace to you and yours, Carver

  3. There are so many people who lack the peace of a home where they feel safe. Excellent post.

    Peace be with you and yours.

  4. Great quotes. Peace to you this evening.

  5. 'Creative alternatives for responding to conflict'

    I believe this is one of them.

    Peace to you, A.

  6. A very sad story. I know many people that fled from Zimbabwe and also lost everything they had. Peace must come!

  7. It is so sad that we cannot live without fear.

  8. What a great contribution and a good reminder of that peace is not to be taken for granted.

  9. A very good post, with wonderful quotes!

  10. You remind me that I have an easier time living for and speaking about peace than so many others. And I think that means I have a greater responsibility to maintain peace in my life, and to set that peaceful example.

    Peace to you and yours.

  11. As long as there are still people of peace who want peace, we still have a chance for it.

  12. Your post touched my heart.

    Peace is a journey. And to achieve it, we must be willing to change our way of life, as one of your beautifully chosen quotes brings up.

    Thank you for your words... because they matter.

  13. What a story A. I posted one that was from my heart, not very eloquent, but heartfelt just the same. Peace does drop slowly.

  14. Such an excellent post - you brought tears to my eyes.

    I also love the African proverb you used.

    May Peace be with you and yours...


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