Monday, 29 October 2007

Free rice

Free Rice logo

From A Cup of Coffee

If you click on the logo above, you will be taken to the Free Rice vocabulary game (warning: highly addictive). For every word you get right, they will donate 10 grains of rice to the United Nations World Food program.

Free Rice is a sister site to, another ste worth a visit. The names and faces of people they show as recent deaths are not real, but it does bring home the numbers of people dying from AIDS, malaria, hunger and so on.

Although rice donation is a necessity for overcoming the immediate need to alleviate hunger, the ultimate aim has to be to enable local farmers to provide for the needs of their own communities, which is the purpose of the Africa Rice Centre in developing New Rice for Africa.


  1. Hello A.
    Marvelous blog you have and always so important subjects! Do you hear about the problem with the french OMG and the President of Tchad?
    Two worlds when people should be all together.... Yes, a changing life... when we think that all planet could eat...

  2. It is for such a good cause but I stopped at 100gr, it is highly addictive, as you mentioned ...

  3. Couldn't get past level 50, and am starting a migraine from staring at the screen for too long - one to avoid on my insomniac nights!

  4. I had to stop at 1,000 gr so I could other stuff done! I can see how knowing other languages comes in handy! Some of those words are hard!

  5. Claudie, thanks. Yes, I've heard about the situation between the president of Tchad and the people working for L'Arche de ZoƩ. A terrible situation.
    marThanks for posting it on your blog too:)
    jI did warn you! I find if you stay too long, it tells you everything is wrong.
    CaledoniaActually yes, knowing another language or two is very helpful. There were quite a few I know from French but didn't know existed in an English form.


Forethoughts, afterthoughts, any thoughts. Tell me.


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